News post

June 24, 2024 Meeting Summary

July 4, 2024

MeetingSummary - CC MUD 1

Light Farms Neighbors,

Below you will find an outline of events and discussions held during the recent Collin

County MUD 1 board meeting held on Monday, June 24th .


Public comments were observed as residents expressed their desire to see landscaping

improvements, traffic safety in Sage, and a continuation of increased communication

and transparency.


The board welcomed a representative from Lee Engineering who presented a report on

community signage, traffic safety, and marking issues. Board members listed specific

crosswalk, school zone, and signage improvements to be prioritized for upcoming

projects and the board noted a positive conversation with the County about these

concerns. More updates will be provided via the safety committee once projects allow.


The board was also presented with reports from the District’s communications

consultant, bookkeeper and tax assessor before diving into the general manager’s


The details outlined in the general manager’s report included:

  • Updates on the nature and status of open tracker ticket items
  • Collaboration with GOLD landscaping on outstanding issues
  • Updates on the AT&T Fiber Installation project and notable areas of concern
  • The board noted concerns amongst residents during the Bluestem installation and what can be done to address concerns during the Indigo installation. The board discussed follow up with the vendor after completion to ensure impacted areas are cleaned up and fixed.
  • Estimates to address various landscaping and district improvements were approved
  • Aeration construction installations regarding District ponds between Hawthorne and Bartlett were approved
  • A District landscaping matrix for prioritizing projects was discussed and approved

The full GM report can be found on the public documents page on the District’s website.

The board observed the engineer’s report and approved a bid for a Gabion Mattress installation to address erosion concerns at the spillway between Indigo and Grange.


The regular board meetings are now scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month at 6 pm ongoing. Please continue to check the District website for more information.