News post

Meeting Summary - June 11, 2024

June 13, 2024

MeetingSummary - CC MUD 1


Below is a summary of the Collin Co. MUD #1 Board of Directors workshop meeting that took

place at 6 PM on JUNE 11, 2024.

Public Comment:

A resident expressed concerns with the condition of the landscaping throughout Light Farms

Workshop Session:

The Board first discussed the policies and procedures relating to conducting Board meetings, no action was taken.

The Board then discussed and acted on multiple issues relating to the General Manager’s report, including:

Special Authorization

  • Granting authorization to the GM to approve projects that need attention in-between monthly Board meetings up to $10,000; and
  • Granting the Landscape Committee and Special Projects Committee authorization to approve similar projects up to $25,000.
  • This ensures projects that need immediate attention are not delayed because of the timing of monthly Board meetings.

Creation of a Priority Matrix to include all of the existing erosion and landscaping

issues within Light Farms that will allow the Board to:

  • Ensure that all projects are identified and tracked
  • Prioritize the projects based on safety, the prevention of further damage, and aesthetics, and determine the costs of each project to establish a detailed budget

The landscape committee will work with Gold to ensure compliance in terms of the landscaping contract and examine changes that may be necessary to ensure the quality of the landscaping in Light Farms

Detailed review of bookkeeper report:

  • The District bookkeeper provided a detailed review of monthly bookkeeper report, along with a presentation of existing budget
  • The Board discussed frequency and timing of annual audit, the processes established for the issuance of ad valorem tax bonds to fund public projects, and the districts outstanding long-term debt

Discussion of adjustment of signage and speed limits within Light Farms:

  • The Board specifically discussed school zones around Boyer and requested the District’s consultants to provide options at the next Board meeting to improve school zones around Boyer subject to the requirements of state law.
  • The Board also discussed the speed limits on Light Farms Way
  • The Board also discussed potential of installing lighting on the main streets, around mailbox clusters and the Light Farm trail system

Establishment of Committees:

  • Landscaping Committee: Director Miles and Director Stockhausen
  • Special Projects: Director Shepard and Director Dusza
  • NOTE: The Board previously established new Safety and Communications committee in the last meeting:
  1. Safety Committee: Director Moyer and Director Miles
  2. Communications Committee: Director Moyer and Director Miles

Solicitation Ordinance:

  • Discussion around what action could be taken by the Board regarding solicitors becoming a nuisance in Light Farms: Board noted that the city of Celina has an ordinance
  • Counsel advised that the District does not have the authority to adopt its own solicitation ordinance
  • Board requested to review the Celina ordinance and will decide at the next meeting about the possibility of applying its solicitor’s ordinance to Light Farms

Next Meeting:

The Board has scheduled the next meeting to be on MON. JUNE 24, 2024 at 6 PM in the HOA


Please continue to check the District website for more information